How to treat varicose veins (varicose veins) of the lower extremities with folk remedies

Alternative medicine offers many options for treating varicose veins in the legs with folk remedies. For these purposes, ointments, tinctures, compresses, baths and wraps based on medicinal plants, bee products, chemicals and elements are used.Many recipes do not have contraindications, but before using any method, you need to consult a phlebologist.

Protruding veins on legs with varicose veins


An effective folk remedy for varicose veins on the legs are ointments prepared from such medicinal plants as wormwood, horse chestnut, cabbage, garlic, Adam's apple, Kalanchoe, celandine. Vegetable oils (olive, castor, sunflower, cottonseed) and animal fats are used as a base.


White cabbage has been used to treat varicose veins in the legs for hundreds of years. The popularity of the method is due to its availability and the absence of contraindications to the treatment. To make a compress, take dense leaves and tap them with a kitchen mallet or roll them with a rolling pin until the juice appears. The outer (green) leaves are not suitable.

On the one hand, cold-pressed vegetable oil (sunflower, olive, castor) is applied to the leaf and applied to the inflamed area. Secure with a tubular bandage on top. The compress is done at night. The course is 30 days.

For therapeutic compresses for varicose veins, white cabbage is used.

Instead of oil, you can grease the cabbage leaf with honey. You can also apply a cream of marigold flowers to the cabbage leaf. To prepare it, drink a glass of animal fat. The best option is groundhog or badger, but internal pork or beef will do. It is necessary to melt the fat in a water bath and add 2 tbsp. I. crushed marigold flowers. Boil for 5 minutes, then strain hot through cheesecloth.

The cabbage leaf is dipped in boiling water for 10-15 seconds, cooled and the ointment is applied to it. Apply a compress to the inflamed area, secure with a round tubular bandage and leave overnight. Treatment is carried out for 2-2. 5 months (until permanent improvement). The cream not only reduces the manifestations of varicose veins, but is also a good prevention of possible complications.


If there is no time to prepare an ointment for varicose veins with your own hands, then you can use a quick and proven method. To do this, add some purified water to the blue clay (for the consistency of thick sour cream). Apply the putty in a thick layer (1. 5-2 cm) on the affected areas and tie with a towel. The duration of the procedure is 2 hours. The course is 1-1. 5 months.

Clay-based ointment for varicose veins


Kalanchoe (Kalanchoe) is a medicinal plant with a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. It is used in traditional and alternative medicine, including for the treatment of varicose veins with folk remedies at home. A miraculous ointment prepared on the basis of this plant removes swelling, relieves inflammation and pain, improves the appearance of the skin.

To cook you will need:

  • 50 g of medicinal Vaseline;
  • 50 g of lanolin (animal wax);
  • 50 g of Kalanchoe juice.

Mix all the ingredients well to obtain a homogeneous mass. With severe pain, it is recommended to add 1 ampoule of anesthetic to the composition. Store in the fridge in a glass container. The ointment is applied to clean skin (you can clean it with alcohol or vodka) 2-3 times a day. It is not necessary to apply bandages and wrap the affected areas. The course of treatment is 2-2. 5 months.

Kalanchoe for the preparation of ointments and tinctures for varicose veins

1 more recipe. Place half a cup of butter in a glass jar and keep at room temperature (until soft). Add 50 g of freshly squeezed Kalanchoe juice and mix well. Instead of oil, you can use internal animal fat, and instead of plant juice - crushed mass of stems and leaves (80-100 g).

The ointment is applied to a burdock (or cabbage) leaf, which must first be dipped in boiling and cooled water and applied to the affected area. From above, the compress is fixed with a round bandage and insulated with a cloth. It is best to apply the ointment at night. The course of treatment is 2-2. 5 months.

Kalanchoe-based mixtures may cause a slight burning sensation (itching, tingling). If there is severe discomfort and pain, treatment should be stopped and another method selected.


Another popular folk remedy for varicose veins on the legs are tinctures prepared on the basis of medicinal plants and bee products. The most effective are tinctures and infusions of horse chestnut, Kalanchoe, lilac inflorescences, geraniums, garlic, onion skins.

To prepare a tincture of Kalanchoe, take a glass container of the required volume, fill it halfway with a crushed mixture of leaves and stems of the plant and fill it with vodka to the top. Insist on the dark for 1. 5-2 weeks.

Healing tinctures for varicose veins, prepared at home

To enhance the effect, you can add inflorescences of white acacia or flowers and leaves of comfrey (larkspur) to the tincture. Inflamed veins are moistened with the finished product 2-3 times a day. The course is 2. 5 to 3 months.


Among the folk remedies for the treatment of varicose veins, essential oils such as sage, cypress, geranium, black cumin, immortelle, lemon, etc. , are popular. They are used in two ways. They can be added to the water while showering, which will help relieve swelling and strengthen blood vessels. They are also added to the massage cream for anti-varicose veins massage.


Garlic, which has an anti-sclerotic effect, is a reliable tool for restoring elasticity and strengthening the walls of blood vessels in varicose veins. It is used for prevention and treatment at all stages of the disease in the form of compresses, tinctures and mixtures.

To prepare a garlic compress, you will need 1 medium head (about 50 g) and 100 g of natural butter (can be replaced with internal pork fat). It is better to use a vegetable with a white skin, blue (purple) garlic is more burning.

Before going to bed, the resulting ointment is applied to the inflamed veins, wrapped in a dense cloth and fixed with a round bandage. In the morning, the remains of the compress are washed off with water. The procedure is repeated daily for 3-4 weeks.

Garlic - a folk remedy that strengthens blood vessels with varicose veins

Effective folk methods include oral intake of garlic in combination with honey. To do this, you need to grind 300 g of garlic to a porridge state and put it in a glass container. Add 400 g of natural honey, mix and refrigerate for 2 weeks.

When the mixture is infused, it is taken in 1 tbsp. I. before meals (breakfast and lunch). The course is designed for 4 weeks, after which it is necessary to take a break of 1. 5-2 months and repeat the treatment. The prepared mixture can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 35 days.


In the early stages of VRV, compresses with linseed oil give a good effect. They help get rid of congestion, tone blood vessel walls and improve blood circulation. Oil-soaked gauze is applied to the inflamed areas, covered with plastic wrap and secured with a round bandage. The compress is applied for 2-3 hours 3 times a week. As a medication for the prevention of VRV, flaxseed oil should be taken 1 tsp. on an empty stomach


The widespread use of compresses in the treatment of varicose veins with folk remedies is due to their effectiveness, availability and safety. Most of them can be used during pregnancy and lactation.

The downside is that individual skin characteristics or a large amount of fat can prevent healing substances from fully affecting the vessels. They are used as adjunctive therapy in combination with the main treatment.


An effective remedy for varicose veins are green tomato compresses, which are recommended for use during an exacerbation of the disease. They thin the blood, relieve inflammation, relieve pain. To prepare a compress, you need to cut the tomatoes into circles and apply to the problem areas. Wrap with aluminum foil on top and secure with a round bandage. The duration of the procedure is 3-4 hours. The course of treatment is 3-4 weeks. You can alternate compresses with apple cider vinegar massage.

Tomatoes do an excellent job with inflammation and pain with varicose veins.

Chamomile decoction

To cure varicose veins at an early stage, the use of chamomile compresses will help. It is necessary to pour a glass of boiling water 3 tsp. flowers, leave for half an hour, moisten the gauze in the solution and apply (in several layers) to the veins. Cover with aluminum foil and secure with a round bandage. Keep 3-4 hours. The course is 2-3 weeks.

Larch bark decoction

A decoction of larch bark, which increases the strength and elasticity of blood vessels, has a good therapeutic effect. For 0. 5 liters of boiling water, take 3 tbsp. I. shell (no top). Insist on a thermos for a day. A cloth soaked in the solution is wrapped around the legs for 3 hours, covered with a film on top and fixed with a bandage. The course is 2-3 weeks.

Larch will serve as a raw material for the preparation of a medicinal decoction for varicose veins


Potato tubers are used to treat varicose veins. To prepare a compress, several washed and dried potatoes are rubbed on a fine grater (along with the skin). The freshly prepared mass is applied in a thick layer to the affected area and wrapped with a cotton cloth in several layers. Hold the compress for 4-6 hours. The course of treatment is 1. 5-2 months.


The composition of many popular recipes for varicose veins on the legs includes juices. In addition, when freshly squeezed, they can significantly reduce the manifestations of the disease and serve as VRV prophylaxis. The most effective of them:

  • carrot;
  • beet;
  • parsley juice;
  • spinach leaf juice;
  • celery stalk juice.
Freshly squeezed natural juices for the treatment and prevention of varicose veins


With varicose veins, a good result is the treatment with ginger, which is used externally and orally. For internal use, it is used as a tea or infusion. To make tea, you need to cut several thin rings (7-10 g) from the root and pour 0. 5 liters of boiling water. Insist 15 minutes.

The use of ginger root is most effective in cases where the disease is caused by excess weight and metabolic disorders. It is advisable to treat varicose veins in men with ginger, as the root of this plant, in addition, normalizes the work of the male reproductive system.

For external use, it is necessary to grate ginger root on a fine grater, mix it with honey (1: 1) and apply a compress to the inflamed area for 4-5 hours. Cover with a wool cloth. Instead of compressed paper, burdock or cabbage leaves are used. The course is from 1 to 2 months.


You can treat varicose veins at home with the help of viburnum berries, using them in the form of a compress or a healing drink. To prepare a compress, viburnum is rubbed in a sieve, applied to a cloth and applied to the affected areas, wrapping it with a film and fixing it with a bandage. The course is 3-4 weeks.

Viburnum berries help cure varicose veins

For oral administration, viburnum juice is mixed with honey. For 0. 5 liters of juice, take 2 tbsp. I. (no slide) honey. Take a drink before meals for 2 tbsp. I. 3-4 times a day. The course is 1. 5 months.


You can treat varicose veins with lemon, using it to prepare an anesthetic compress and taking it inside. To prepare a compress, the lemon is cut into circles and applied to the inflamed veins, covered with a film and fixed with a bandage. The course is 2-3 weeks.

honey and bees

The healing properties of honey and other bee products have been used for centuries. Regular consumption of natural honey eases the course of VRV, and honey compresses and envelops the body, tones blood vessels, relieves inflammation, and improves the appearance of the skin.


Apitherapy offers many effective ways to treat and prevent VRV with the help of bee products such as propolis, honey, royal jelly, bee venom, pollen, subpestilence, wax, zabrus, etc.

Apitherapy is a popular folk method for treating and preventing varicose veins.


Antimicrobial propolis containing natural antiseptics, vegetable oils and essential resins is used to treat varicose veins at home. It is used in the form of tinctures and ointments. To prepare the tincture, 100 g of raw materials are crushed and poured into 0. 3 liters of alcohol or vodka. Infuse for 1 month in a dark glass container, shaking occasionally. Apply in the form of compresses and lotions.

bee subpestilence

Dead bees are used to prepare regenerating compresses. To do this, take the required number of dead bees (depending on the size of the affected areas), pour boiling water over it and let it ferment for 20-30 minutes. After that, the water is drained and the steamed bees are applied to the inflamed veins, wrapped with a film and isolated with a dense cloth. It is advisable to make a compress at night. The course is 1-1. 5 months.

The Podmor bee is used for the regeneration of veins in varicose veins

what else is useful

There are many ways to treat and prevent varicose veins with folk remedies, from which you can choose the most suitable one. Alternative methods are used as adjunctive therapy at any stage of VRV, but the greatest effect is achieved in the early stages of the disease.

Apple vinegar

Apple cider vinegar contains more than 20 components that have a beneficial effect on blood vessels. With regular use, it provides a long-lasting healing effect. It is used in the form of wraps, compresses, baths, in addition, it is taken orally. Most useful in the early stages of VRV.

The easiest way is to rub the inflamed areas with apple cider vinegar. With a cotton swab (easily, without pressure) moisten the problem areas several times. It is not necessary to cover the treated area of skin. The procedure is carried out 3-4 times a day for 1 month.

To be sure of the quality of fruit vinegar, it is best to cook it with local varieties of apples (even carrion will do).


For the treatment of varicose veins without surgery, a remedy as strong as nutmeg is used. It is taken as a powder, alcoholic tincture, tea, nutmeg mixture with honey or drink. Most useful in the early stages of the disease. Powder prepared from fresh nutmeg, take 1 tsp. (without top) 30-40 minutes before the first meal. You can dilute it with boiling water and add a little honey. Drink it hot for a month.

Varicose veins can be treated with fresh nutmeg powder


The inner fibrous pulp of the pumpkin is used as an additional therapy in all stages of the disease. Fibers are released from the seeds and applied to the inflamed areas. Instead of compressed paper, it is better to use burdock or cabbage leaves. From above, the compress is insulated with a woolen cloth and left overnight. The course of treatment is 1. 5-2 months.

Also, with venous edema, it is necessary to regularly include a vegetable in the diet and spend fasting days on a pumpkin 2-3 times a month.

fish fat

As an auxiliary therapy for varicose veins in women, folk remedies show the use of fish oil. When taken orally, it promotes weight loss and normalization of metabolism. Fish oil is also a reliable means of preventing osteoporosis during menopause and post-menopause.

Oral intake of fish oil will benefit those suffering from varicose veins

A good effect in the treatment of VRV is given by wraps based on fish oil and honey. The components are mixed in a ratio of 1: 1. A natural linen fabric is impregnated with this composition and the leg is wrapped with it for the night. The upper part is covered with compress paper and secured with a tubular bandage.

Hydrogen peroxide

Traditional medicine offers many ways to treat VRV with hydrogen peroxide. Advocates of these methods note the positive effect of the simplest peroxide on the state of blood vessels. Representatives of traditional medicine speak ambiguously about these treatment methods, considering them insufficiently studied and therefore unsafe. The use of hydrogen peroxide, even in the form of compresses, is necessary after consultation with your doctor.


Iodine can be used as a popular method of treating varicose veins. This method shows good results in the early stages of VRV. In the absence of an allergy to a chemical element, an iodine mesh is applied to the affected areas for 2-3 weeks before going to bed. After another 2-3 weeks, the course is repeated. After treatment with iodine, blood circulation improves and foci of inflammation are eliminated.


Salt for varicose veins is used in the form of dressings and salt baths. To prepare the dressing, sea salt must be diluted with water to a porridge state, placed in a layer of 1-2 cm on a cotton cloth and applied to the inflamed veins. Keep the bandage on for 3-4 hours. The course is 1 month.


With varicose veins of the lower extremities (in the initial stage), a good result is the use of soda baths. In the presence of large affected areas, it is recommended to take soda baths. For a bath (200 l), 7 tbsp. I. soda (with a medium blade), which is previously diluted in a small amount of hot water. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes, the water temperature should not exceed + 37 . . . + 40°C.

As a result, all blood vessels are healed. After showering, you need to (without drying your body) wrap yourself in a towel and rest for half an hour. Procedures are performed on alternate days. On non-procedure days, a moisturizer should be applied to the body.

washing powder

Traditional medicine offers another effective and safe way to treat VRV. It is necessary to use only natural washing powder (no additives). It is used in the form of compresses, lotions and ointments.

Anti-varicose vein massage with soapy foam is practiced. Also, you can apply a thick lather to the affected areas and leave it on all day. Wash before bed. The course is 3-4 weeks. If itching, irritation, peeling occurs after the procedures (for sensitive skin), the treatment should be discontinued.